RMI Promotional Video

About Risk Management, Inc.
Risk Management, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Louisiana Municipal Association.
The Organization became fully operational on January 1, 1987 and functions as the service agent for the Louisiana Municipal Association inter-local risk pools.
The primary purpose of Risk Management, Inc. is to effectively market and administer the self funded indemnity programs which have been developed to serve the municipalities of Louisiana, and to assist in the development of new programs to meet the needs of municipal government.
Who operates RMI?
The day to day functions of Risk Management, Inc. are carried on by an able staff of Risk Management professionals. The operational
management team of RMI has collectively over a century of experience.
This operational management functions under the direction of a Board of Directors, which is made up of Mayors of participating Louisiana Municipalities. This structure assures that the unique needs of municipal government are capably addressed.
What kind of programs are available?
The Louisiana Municipal Risk Management Indemnity Programs currently available through RMI are:
- General Liability
- Automobile Liability
- Law Enforcement Professional Liability
- Public Official Errors and Omissions
- Workman’s Compensation
- Dental
Additional benefit programs are available through Risk Management Insurance Agency Inc. include:
- Cyber Liability
- Accident and Health
- Automobile Collision/Comprehensive (physical damage)
- Airport Commercial General Liability
- Fire and Property
- Personal Automobile
- Inland Marine
If you’re interested in obtaining a quote on the above Personal Lines coverages from Risk Management Insurance Agency, Inc., please contact Bill Corley at 225-336-5288
Program Administration
RMI was established to serve the municipalities of Louisiana. We are not an insurance company. We are a part of the
Louisiana Municipal Association and as such, the efficient servicing of your benefit program is the primary goal of RMI.
Why choose RMI?
Risk Management, Inc., The Louisiana Municipal Association, and Louisiana Municipalities have a common goal; to stabilize and/or reduce the financial impact of coverage on Municipal budgets while keeping vital protection available.
RMI’s experienced, thorough service provides these advantages:
- Competitively priced products.
- Access to RMI’s Loss Control and Safety Engineering professionals. We assist you in reducing claims, thereby increasing potential for premium stabilization.
- Quick and efficient claim handling.
- Variable premium payment plans.
- Toll free phone lines to the Home Office. "Front Office" level accountability by simply dialing 1-800-843-0931.
- A Louisiana Municipal Association subsidiary serving Louisiana municipalities and their employees.
Why Loss Control Management?
As top management, safety director or the person responsible for safety for your Government Agency whether State, Parish or City Level, you are aware of the need for and effective on-going safety program. With our full line of Loss Control Services, we can help you implement a new safety and health program or improve your existing one.
Realizing that insurance premiums are at an all time high and continuing to increase, and knowing that the availability of excess insurance is at a minimum, all government agencies are constantly seeking ways to manage their cost. Today more than ever before, the bottom line is saving money. One solution, often overlooked, is the establishment of a workable safety program… and here’s where we can help.
How can you reduce the increasing costs of employee injuries and illnesses…worker’s compensation, medical and insurance administration costs? How do you cope with indirect costs - lost workdays, time and money spent conducting investigations and preparing accident reports, production downtime and property damage losses? The Loss Control Division of Risk Management, Inc. has the answers to these questions.
Loss Control Experts
The Loss Control Division of Risk Management, Inc. has the expertise to evaluate safety and health programs, and to develop specific
programs and training materials to meet your specific needs. We also are available to conduct on-site safety/health training sessions
for groups of virtually any size and any level. Whatever your agency’s needs, Risk Management, Inc. Loss Control Services can assist
you in making safety an integral part of your big picture.
Here’s How We Work With You
With our full time line of loss control services, we can help you implement a new safety and health program or improve your existing one.
We provide on-site review of the effectiveness of the current safety program, including:
- Worker's Compensation Claims
- Safety/Health Procedures
- Record Keeping Systems
- Safety/Heath Training Programs
- Motor Vehicle Safety Programs
- Accident/Illness Records
- Safety Awards Programs
- Employee Safety Awareness
- High Risk Areas (Such As Hot Pursuit Procedures)
- Safety/Health Communications
- Hiring Procedures
Upon completion of our review, the findings are presented with workable recommendations, in the form of a summary report of findings.
Customizes Safety/Health Guidelines Written Specifically For Your Operations Include:
- Safety Plan
- Safety/Health Policy
- Guidelines For Safety Awards Programs
- Outlines of General Supervisory And Management Responsibilities
- Guidelines For Conducting Safety Inspections, Safety Meetings and Accident Investigations
- Guidelines For Forming Safety/Health Committees and New Employee Orientation
- Basic Standards and Techniques (Fire Protection, Noise Control, Local Exhaust Ventilation, Job Safety Analysis, And Personal Protective Equipment)
- Development of Safety Training Aids
We welcome the opportunity to discuss your loss control needs and how we can serve you in fulfilling those needs.
The health, and welfare, of your employees, and the resulting cost saving to you, are good reasons to contact us.
We are here to serve you. If you want further information concerning Louisiana Municipal Association programs, please let us know.